Thursday, September 2, 2010

there's no preparing...

The last six months have been completely overwhelming, and crazy...striking a blow to every part: relationships, job, personal life.
It's hard to realize how much can happen within a matter of months. I can sit on my front porch, and my mind is like a wheel that spins continually with thoughts of every kind....mostly life in it's most complicated form. I don't understand it. Maybe it's not for me to understand it. On top of the randomness, I feel I have been so back and forth, so inconsistent. And I can't stand inconsistency. I was becoming the opposite of what I wanted to be, and it did seem kind of hopeless (at first). But I believe nothing or no one is hopeless.
We all have a season, and that season will pass. There is no time frame of when it will begin and end, but it sheds who we are as people; everything we are made of and who we have become....the strength, faith, commitment, reason, honesty, and love.
Everyone has a weakness. And that weakness will, without end, be tested. And maybe it will reveal who we are, maybe it won't. But I know for me personally, I am weak. And there is only one way out of the pale light.
We can only move forward because staying stagnant leaves us vulnerable, and ultimately we become a place where parasites feed.
Change is inevitable. But through change, there is growth. We just have to........LIVE. And remain consistent.

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