Thursday, February 26, 2015

Let Them Eat.....Nothing

Throughout your entire life, people will come and go. Some will stay in it longer than others. Some will just end up bailing at the first sign of things getting weird, or hard. And there are potential friends, and thankfully I have only come across very few in my life, that come into your life and they seem interesting...and interested. They are excellent at playing the part well. But deep down in their bones, they have a plan and they may not even know what exact plan it is. Of course, you have no clue. You are blinded by their loving, caring, supportive, insightful nature...why the hell would you be expecting something to go wrong.

but then BAM!

It hits you. You were so numb to this because they injected the anesthesia earlier on, and they were feeding on you and your well being once you became unaware of the surroundings....and yeah, they can tell when that happens.
"Yes I'm interested, tell me more." "Here are some words of encouragement because I see you are having a hard time." "Let's go grab some lunch and talk it out." "Let me know how I can help."
Those are a few of many statements that began to slowly flow through your veins and make you feel welcomed and comfortable and relaxed. You let them eat. And eat. And eat. And eat. But know this...they never become full or satisfied. Ever.
Somewhere in the middle of you feeling happy-go-lucky in this "friendship" and "bond" you have, they may ask - "Can I borrow a few bucks. I'll pay you tomorrow." "Will you come pick me up. My car isn't starting....and oh yeah, can you buy me some food. I'm starving."
These things here, these things you do for them because....well, why the fuck not. They have become a close part of your life. You do those things for people dear to you.
This is where it becomes either climactical or slowly but surely, too far gone. Your choice. Go ahead. Just know that depending on the outcome of your decision, it could either stick with you for a few minutes or a few years. But don't let me get in the way. Go ahead.

(You may sense the resentment here. And know that I am not bitter towards anyone who has done this to me. I forgave them once they began to do this. I can't hold a grudge because life is much shorter than you think....but that's for another time.)

I would at first compare this to a scavenger - a vulture or mosquito. But really, this is emotional cannibalism. It sounds terrible. And it is. We never intend to bait ourselves into this. It is not your fault. It was never your fault for letting someone in. You are not unworthy because you simply tried to be a friend. But it is extrememly important to know your boundaries as a human being. Set those boundaries and try your best to stick to them. I am saying this not because I am just wonderful at setting boundaries. I am saying this because daily, I fail at doing this and work hard to ground myself and, at the very least, begin to know where to set those boundaries. It is not because we plan to throw it away. Sometimes we get caught completely off guard. Sometimes our depression or our anxiety become so overwhelming and controlling, it just happens. I know first hand the intense weight of anxiety. It will bleed you dry. Fill you back up. And bleed you even more. Then you are left in a weak  state with what feels like nothing. But ultimately, you are not weak and you have everything....right there. It sounds completely insane, I know. But trust me. At your weakest moment, you become something much stronger than you ever thought imaginable. Super heroes become bullshit. You are your own super hero. And you didn't even create this. It was was always there. Buried.

Fight for yourself. It's not selfish whatsoever so go ahead and pack that thought up, wrap a heavy chain around it and throw it in the ocean. Set your boundaries so that when someone is placed in your life and begin to sink their bacteria ridden, venomous komodo dragon teeth in, you will be able to see this immediately and cut it off right away. Let them eat nothing.

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